Dear Northlea teachers, staff, students, parents and caregivers,

Each year the Northlea Home and School Association (HSA) funds a variety of initiatives that enrich our children’s experience at Northlea. Funds raised by the school community last school year went to many projects that directly benefit the students of our School.

At this time, we are seeking proposals from teachers, staff, students, parents, and all members of the Northlea school community for funding from the monies raised during the 2022-2023 school year. As in past years, the Proposal procedure has evolved to have a direct link with the people and projects we fund, as well as to create a maximum degree of transparency with respect to how our monies-raised are spent. 

Anyone connected with Northlea is eligible to apply for funding from the Northlea HSA. However, applications must meet policy and practices of the Toronto District School Board, which states fundraising money is not to be used “to provide resources necessary for the delivery of curriculum or a safe learning environment”. More about this can be found on the TDSB website, at;

 (P.021 BUS, noting section 3.9).

Proposals cannot be accepted for community-based initiatives as these do not directly benefit or enrich the learning environment of the students at our School. Northlea HSA traditionally passes a motion allocating a percentage of all funds raised for the year to community-based initiatives, once a year, at the Fall Funding Allocation meeting.

Please note that there is no minimum or maximum limit on individual grants. Any project that falls within the above-mentioned guidelines will be considered, no matter how big or small, so put your thinking caps on and start thinking of ways to set Northlea up for success!

Applicants who are awarded a grant are required to report back, in writing, to Northlea HSA within 30 days of receiving the funds detailing exactly how the funds were spent. 

To apply, simply fill out the form following this letter and submit it via email to the addresses provided.

Please note: Proposals submitted in hard copy may NOT be considered. Proposals must be complete and fully researched: incomplete proposals may NOT be considered.

Proposals are due no later than October 21st, 2022.

Proposals meeting the eligibility criteria will be available for review prior to the meeting on the School website.  Proposals will be presented at the November 29th, 2022, Home and School Association meeting where each applicant will be allocated 3 minutes to present their proposal and 2 minutes for questions.

Following the proposal presentations, only parents or caregivers will be invited to cast a vote to determine if funding for each proposal is denied, allocated in part, or allocated in full. All other community members will be asked to leave.

Following the voting, applicants not in attendance will be notified shortly thereafter regarding the status of their proposal.

Should you have any questions regarding the application process, please do not hesitate to contact the Co-Treasurers of the Northlea Home and School Association:

Jennifer Meyerhoffer                            Angie Kalentzis           

We look forward to receiving your proposals, and good luck!

Northlea Home & School Executive

Timeline of Funding Proposals

October 21st – Proposals are due no later than this date.

October 28th– Initial Review of proposals submitted to date, by home and school executive

November 8th – Review of remaining proposals, by home and school executive

November 21st – Posting of submitted proposals to the Northlea website

November 29th– Home and School Meeting- Voting