Funding proposals were voted on at the Home and School meeting on November 29, 2022. Included below is where funding was allocated.
Funding Approved: $4,500
Name of applicant(s) and contact information:Forest of Reading CommitteeVickie Horton, Shannon Hill, Susan Siurna |
Item(s) being requested and why they are being requested: We are asking for funding for the 7 Forest of Reading programs that we run each year for 2023/24.(Nominated books are announced in October, and books need to be ordered early in order to take advantage of early bird discounts.) |
Funds being requested – Provide detailed break-down of item(s) and cost(s), as some proposals may not be funded fully: Forest of Reading Funding Proposal for 2023-2024This is a bilingual program offered to all studentsBased on the book and program costs for this year, we estimate that next year we will need $4000-$4500 to run the Forest of Reading Program. 2022-2023 Program CostsProgram Quantity Price Per Set TotalBlue Spruce 4 $169.09 $676.36Silver Birch Express 4 $145.33 $581.32SIlver Birch 4 $141.04 $564.16Red Maple 5 $116.53 $582.65Prix Peuplier 5 $143.95 $719.75Prix Meleze 3 $123.63 $370.89Prix Tamarac 1 $137.67 $137.67Registration Fee 1 $46.75 $46.75$3,679.55 **plus money for additional copies of the most popular Silver Birch Express and Prix Meleze books |
Has this initiative received funding from a proposal in the past AND/OR funding from the School Budget for 2019/2020? If yes, please provide years and amounts received.Yes – for quite a few years…. thank you very much!!!! |
If ongoing maintenance or upgrades will be necessary, please indicate anticipated yearly expenses: N/A |
Please detail use – classes, subjects, grades etc., and the number of students involved: All classes / grades / students are invited to participate and have the opportunity to join us. |
Anticipated date of purchase/expenditure: October 2023 |
Other – Please include any further information you feel might be helpful to the H&S Executive, and parents when reviewing the proposal. Executive, and parents when reviewing the proposal. We are so grateful that you have funded this essential and exciting initiative in the past, and thank you for continuing to support literacy and the love of reading at Northlea. |
Funding Approved: $3,500
Name of applicant(s) and contact information: Sam Tanenbaum – Kindergarten Teachersam.tanenbaum@tdsb.on.caChristina Heyding – Kindergarten French Immersion |
Item(s) being requested and why they are being requested: We are proposing the purchase of the following loose parts kits for each of our kindergarten classrooms. loose parts kits would be invaluable to our kindergarten students because the materials are so multipurpose. Children use them to explore everything from patterning to construction, art to self-regulation strategies. The open ended nature of these kits ensure our students can explore and discover in their own way, using their own creativity. The kits would also enrich our classroom environments because of the flexible nature of activities they foster. In addition, the Louise Kool sets are the perfect addition to the new light tables we purchased last year. |
Funds being requested – Provide detailed break-down of item(s) and cost(s), as some proposals may not be funded fully: Wooden loose parts set: $143.99 x 5 (for each kindergarten class)Light table loose parts set: $99.99 x 5 (for each kindergarten class) |
Has this initiative received funding from a proposal in the past AND/OR funding from the School Budget for 2019/2020? If yes, please provide years and amounts received. n/a |
If ongoing maintenance or upgrades will be necessary, please indicate anticipated yearly expenses: n/a |
Please detail use – classes, subjects, grades etc., and the number of students involved: Five kindergarten classesNumber of students: 122 |
Anticipated date of purchase/expenditure: November 2022 |
Other – Please include any further information you feel might be helpful to the H&S Executive, and parents when reviewing the proposal. |
- Artist in Residence
Funding Approved: $6,000
Name of applicant(s) and contact information: Jenny Leroux ( |
Item(s) being requested and why they are being requested: Collaborative art-making experiences to enhance and anchor our school as we head into a new year (and, most especially, having come out of the past few challenging years). We are hoping to engage students in the design-thinking process and would really like to see more art (representative art) around our school community. It is a great time to explore how to make our school feel more welcoming (visually) and to find ways for our diverse voices to be reflected, visually, in the space. |
Funds being requested – Provide detailed break-down of item(s) and cost(s), as some proposals may not be funded fully:*Please see the concepts attached to this proposal for more details “Northlea is…” banner/hallway revitalizations for Primary/Junior/Intermediate (estimated: $6-8,000) |
Has this initiative received funding from a proposal in the past AND/OR funding from the School Budget for 2019/2020? If yes, please provide years and amounts received. No |
If ongoing maintenance or upgrades will be necessary, please indicate anticipated yearly expenses: Idea 1: NoIdea 2: Yes. Outdoor art, of this nature, is not permanent art. It is meant to weather and change with time and be topical in nature. My thinking here would be that these outdoor installations would need to be updated/replaced when they fall into obvious disrepair…and would give space for a new outdoor idea to come to life. A similarly funded ask, at that time, would then need to be considered. |
Please detail use – classes, subjects, grades etc., and the number of students involved:I teach grades 5-8 art. The whole school would be engaged in the “Northlea is…” banners/hallway revitalizations and could also be included in the outdoor art efforts. Homeroom teachers would just need to sign up for a time/make time in their schedule to accommodate the whole-school project beyond the classes I teach once a week.. |
Anticipated date of purchase/expenditure:Indoor hallway/murals: Feb-onward *Planning could/would start in January, consultations/sessions with STEPS initiative would be in February. Spring: final installations complete.Outdoor: Early spring (March/April)- preparations would begin for that (e.g., collection of materials and purchasing of paint before that) |
Other – Please include any further information you feel might be helpful to the H&S Executive, and parents when reviewing the proposal. *Please see attached notes for more detail Thanks so much for your consideration. It is a real passion of mine to see more art reflected in our school. Moreover, I think art, now more than ever, has incredible community-building powers that bring us together. Not just visually, but emotionally too. Northlea, as a space, has great potential to be more vibrant and conversational. It would be so empowering for students to feel as though they were a part of a lasting art installation this year that connects them to their greater community in some way. |
ATTACHMENTS (Please see more details below)
BIG IDEA: ART as Community
Please find below 3 ideas that expand on this Big Idea that I feel would really enhance the school and help students feel a part of something collaborative, impactful, and connected to their community. I look forward to helping them work through the design thinking process and reminding them that their voices matter…and that art has the power to bring communities together.
Idea 1: “NORTHLEA IS…”Hallway Revitalization: All eyes on the walls in the hall! Bringing the ethos of Northlea to life!
Proposal: “Colour” the walls in three major school zones OR install canvas banners (to be hung from ceiling) in the three following zones (exact hallways TBD in consultation with staff)
- Primary
- Junior
- Intermediate
Goal: We would look to embark on a youth-led design thinking challenge (e.g., child friendly engagement) and engage an artist (or a few artists) to support a primary, junior and intermediate “message” or theme that would “colour” our tired hallways. Theme (inspired by a piece that recently ran in the Toronto Star): “How do we sum up Northlea in one word?” Crowdsource words from students in all the divisions. Use these words to inspire and draft a cohesive message from each division. End products: A 3-part Northlea Learner’s Message and accompanying visuals. These murals could colour three corresponding hallways in our school or could be done on giant canvases and hung from the ceilings as permanent banners in the three various hallways. A joyful reminder about what the school means to us, currently, and moving forward (e.g., growth, aspirations, change, etc)
Estimated Cost (inclusive of consultation process and materials): $6-8K
Next steps:
- Suzy would need to reach out to Richard Christie for a viability review re: school murals. If wall murals are not possible due to current TDSB regulations (see Jenny’s email from Erin Lucassen at TDSB Arts Department), then perhaps the canvas idea (or particle board installed to walls) is the way to go?
- Look to engage STEPS initiatives to help support the mural project (they are an approved TDSB Vendor). See program description offered through TDSB Partnership Information Management System:
STEPS.Studio School ProgramBrief Description: Sustainable Thinking and Expression on Public Spaces (STEPS) Initiative provides art workshops to engage school communities in designs for collaborative art installations.Detailed Description: Sustainable Thinking and Expression on Public Spaces (STEPS) Initiative provides art workshops to engage school communities in designs for collaborative art installations. Facilitators help students explore public space and urban design issues facing their communities and issues of social and environmental impact. Students learn real-world design considerations, how public spaces can be improved upon and environmentally sound solutions. Using a variety of art mediums and techniques, students design a public artwork that serves function, aesthetics and celebrates the community. Workshops and art designs highlight students’ lived experiences, local culture/histories, as well as the social and environmental issues identified by school communities. Serving: Kindergarten, Grades 1-12Goals: To foster civic engagement; To transform communities through public art; To engage young people to think critically about the city and their role in making it a more vibrant place.Cost: $300 |
Idea 2: Invigorating Outdoor Spaces with Public Art: Art in the Northlea Yard!
Proposal: Crowd-source a list of recycled materials (e.g., mostly plastic) in order to create pieces of public artwork to live on our long fence that borders the parking lot and field.
Est. cost: $1K (paint, paintbrushes, material as required)
Ideas could include:
Fence weaving using recycled fabric or recycled artwork:
Tree cookies (wood sourced through facilities team, latex paint, paintbrushes)
Recycled art using community-sourced materials (e.g., bottle caps, gatorade caps, lids, etc.). Students would first sort pieces by colour story for easy access and before beginning the design process.
Idea 3: Art making/sharing Partnership with a local long-term care centre
Inspiration: Canadian Art in Isolation. Goal: students will make art (and/or share in an art-making experience) with members from a local long-term care facility. I would like to reach out to the Northlea community to determine if anyone has an existing connection with a local centre. I would love to determine (in consultation and collaboration with the centre,) if our students could be matched with a resident whereby we create small pieces of art for their residents. Art would be paired with a letter explaining the art, along with contact info so that the residents of long term care could correspond/write back. A true, intergenerational, experience that would be beneficial to both parties involved- our students and the residents alike. A really authentic way of making positive community connections coming out of a challenging and isolating time. I would look to partner with Canadian Art in Isolation not for profit to help support our efforts.
Cost: $400 to support the purchase of artist quality paper, sharpies, envelopes to help create high quality pieces of art. Art direction would come from students’ own interests and art preferences. I would provide a number of creative options and they would select their process/inspirations from there.
- Science Equipment
Funding Approved: $10,000
Name of applicant(s) and contact information:Harshini |
Item(s) being requested and why they are being requested:Equipment for the Innovation Room to teach the Science Curriculum using a hands on STEAM approach to grades 6,7 and 8. |
Funds being requested – Provide detailed break-down of item(s) and cost(s), as some proposals may not be funded fully: Products sources through board approved vendor – Boreal Science Compound Microscope – each $433 x 5 = $2165Stereo Microscope – each $482 x 3 = $1446 Beaker and Flask drying rack – $192.15 Owl pellet dissection kit (10 pellets) – $132.05 x2 = $264.10Lab coats – Youth size 14/16 each – $19.20 x35 = $672 Paramecium culture 30 students – $13.90Amoeba culture 30 students – $26.30 Bromine water kit – $38.35Approximate total of about $10, 000 |
Has this initiative received funding from a proposal in the past AND/OR funding from the School Budget for 2019/2020? If yes, please provide years and amounts received. No funds have been allocated for this purpose in the 2019/2020 school year |
If ongoing maintenance or upgrades will be necessary, please indicate anticipated yearly expenses: $400 to reorder some of the materials such as the owl pellets and cultures |
Please detail use – classes, subjects, grades etc., and the number of students involved:Science curriculum taught to: E 6/7 – 26 studentsF 6/7 – 29 studentsE 7 – 29 studentsF 7/8 – 29 studentsF 8 – 30 students Total = 143 students |
Anticipated date of purchase/expenditure:As soon as the funds are received |
Other – Please include any further information you feel might be helpful to the H&S Executive, and parents when reviewing the proposal.Together with the students and Future Design School we have created a beautifully operating Innovation Lab Space. With the new Science curriculum in place, I would like to fully emerse students in Science through a hands on, Design Thinking, research and experimentation based program with a strong focus on STEAM. I want to instill a love of Science in our students. |
5) KM Club
Funding Approved: $500
Name of applicant(s) and contact information: Anna DeMaio |
Item(s) being requested and why they are being requested: To replenish supplies for KM Club (spring AM running program)Need 200-300 new lacelink necklaces500 new feature charm for 2023500 replacement charms |
Funds being requested – Provide detailed break-down of item(s) and cost(s), as some proposals may not be funded fully: $500 total for order from Fitness$105 for 250 lacelink necklaces and links~$80 for 500 feature charms~$80 for 500 replacement charms+tax/delivery in USD |
Has this initiative received funding from a proposal in the past AND/OR funding from the School Budget for 2019/2020? If yes, please provide years and amounts received. Yes 2018-19 |
If ongoing maintenance or upgrades will be necessary, please indicate anticipated yearly expenses: |
Please detail use – classes, subjects, grades etc., and the number of students involved: All Northlea students K-8 invited, approximately 300-400 students plus volunteers |
Anticipated date of purchase/expenditure: Spring 2023 |
Other – Please include any further information you feel might be helpful to the H&S Executive, and parents when reviewing the proposal. KM Club promotes health, outdoor activity and inclusivityStudents join with friends, siblings, etc to accomplish as many laps as possibleEvery student is awarded a necklace and charms for participation and a new charm for each day they participate |
6) Field Revitalization
Funding Approved: All remaining funds raised during the 2022/2023 year will go to the Field Revitalization
Name of applicant(s) and contact information: Teresa MartinAllison WesleyNatasha KentCo-chairs, H&S |
Item(s) being requested and why they are being requested: We request substantial funding be set aside towards the revitalization of the back field. The TDSB has identified Northlea as being due for a sports field (astroturf) replacement, which falls under the boards budget, however we have the opportunity as H&S to contribute to redevelopment and enhancement of the areas surrounding the sports field. The enhancements are still to be determined, but will be identified via extensive student, staff and parent community engagement and participation. Estimated timeline for construction is summer 2024 at the earliest |
Funds being requested – Provide detailed break-down of item(s) and cost(s), as some proposals may not be funded fully: $70,000Peripheral enhancements to the field are still unknown, but similar field redevelopments at other schools have seen school council contribution/fundraising upwards of $120-150kWe expect to have to fundraise for 2-3 years to achieve our funding goals |
Has this initiative received funding from a proposal in the past AND/OR funding from the School Budget for 2019/2020? If yes, please provide years and amounts received. No |
If ongoing maintenance or upgrades will be necessary, please indicate anticipated yearly expenses: Not applicable |
Please detail use – classes, subjects, grades etc., and the number of students involved:School-wide and local community usage |
Anticipated date of purchase/expenditure: 2024 |
Other – Please include any further information you feel might be helpful to the H&S Executive, and parents when reviewing the proposal. Stakeholder (student, staff, and parent) engagement will be an important focus for this project, with the goal of keeping all stakeholders engaged and optimistic about the redevelopment despite competing pressures, opinions and limitations. Working to ensure community-wide acceptance and the best long-term impact on all stakeholders will be crucial. Our engagement process will utilize traditional planning methods augmented with innovative and experiential co-creation methods to help galvanize the students and staff, and the parent community who will significantly fund elements of the redevelopment. |
7) Charity Donation
Funding approved: Seven per cent of every dollar raised through Northlea Home & School Association fundraising programs will go towards a charitable organization.