Pizza lunch dates are October 25, November 22, December 20, January 31, February 28, March 28, April 25, May 30, June 20

Pizza orders will include pizza and a treat and will be delivered to classrooms on the pizza lunch days.  Registration is for all dates and is due by October 21.


  • Package #1: 9 lunches – 1 pizza slice and a treat $55.00
  • Package #2: 9 lunches – 2 pizza slices and a treat $65.00
  • Package #3: 9 lunches – 3 pizza slices and a treat $75.00
  • Package #4: Family Break (*three or more children. Specified number of slices applies to youngest child $40.00)


Cheese or Pepperoni. Not BOTH. Dairy or gluten free. Thank you for your co-operation. It is the same price for all options and the cost includes ALL dates. No individual weeks can be purchased – only Packages noted above.

Each package includes 1 treat.

If your child has any dairy free or gluten free preference(s), please email your request to Jessica Warne,

If finances present a barrier to involvement, please speak with Ms. Papadopoulos. The discussion will be held in confidence.

Pizza Lunch Contact: Jessica Warne,

Sign up here: